Extended Day Program

The Extended Day Program represents best practices, promotes the concept of least restrictive environment and is designed to potentially eliminate the need for more restrictive placement.
Many students who struggle with severe needs are referred for more restrictive placement due to the lack of community based resources to provide educational services which will enable these students to make progress in the general curriculum. Because these students cannot achieve stability at more traditional options on the educational continuum, they are often referred to far more restrictive placement options which remove them from their homes, their families and their communities.
Students in need of residential placement have demonstrated the need for therapeutic services outside of the traditional school day in order to make them available for educational services during the regular school day. The Extended Day Program at NCA offers the same kinds of services as are offered at effective residential treatment centers.
Many studies have indicated that the hours of the day that “at risk” students experience the most severe difficulty are 3 to 5 PM Mondays through Fridays. The structured Extended Day Program at NCA addresses those needs.
Students eligible for the Extended Day Program are those considered by their school district to be at risk for a more restrictive placement. They need academic support and enrichment, skilled therapeutic services as well as recreational, pre-vocational and support services.
In the Extended Day Program at NCA , students attend school from 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM.
All staff are trained in Crisis Prevention and Intervention. The students have a structured behavior management system, based on the Circle of Courage to help them develop strategies to improve their performance.
The behavior management system is the same as is used during the regular school day. The system provides the students with clear, concrete and immediate feedback. Various rewards and privileges can be achieved by success on the behavior management plan. The goal is to help the students internalize new skills and behaviors.
Students are transported to and from school by their public school district.
Referrals can be made directly to NCA 's Principal. Tuition is paid by the local school district according to the rate set by the Illinois Purchased Care Review Board.